Students Graduating
Residency for Tuition Purposes

What is Florida Residency for Tuition Purposes?

佛罗里达居民学费是指你是佛罗里达州永久居民还是州外居民. 这个分类决定了KU体育学费由佛罗里达州法规1009定义.21 and the State Board of Education Rule 6A-10.044. A Florida resident for tuition purposes is defined as an individual who has resided in the state for 12 consecutive months prior to the start of enrollment in classes, and who has established legal ties in Florida according to Florida Statute 1009.21. This must be shown by producing the documents requested in the declaration.

学生每次向学校申请时,都必须核实其居住情况. 学生必须填写居留声明,并提交适当的文件 FAU's secure residency portal prior to the end of his or her first semester under the active application. 如果学生未能在指定学期的最后期限前完成重新分类过程, the student will continue to be responsible for out-of-state tuition and fees charged. Florida Legislature recently updated Florida Statute 1009.21. For updated information, please review here. Please see the definitions for clarity.

**被KU体育官网APP录取时,学生有责任检查他们的居住分类. **

Yes. 仅仅从佛罗里达高中毕业并不足以证明你是佛罗里达居民. You must submit the appropriate documentation to prove your bona fide domicile in the state of Florida for at least 12 months preceding the first day of classes of the term for which Florida residency is sought
I previously attended FAU as an undergraduate student, 你可以用我本科毕业时的居住证明文件来申请研究生入学吗?
No. 学生每次向学校申请时,都必须核实其居住情况. 学生必须填写居留声明,并提交适当的文件 FAU's secure residency portal prior to the end of his or her first semester under the active application. 如果学生未能在第一学期结束前提供任何要求的文件, that student will be responsible for any out-of-state tuition charged
What is the difference between Initial Residency Classification and Reclassification?
Once classified as a Florida Resident, do I have to reapply every semester?
No. 一旦你被归类为佛罗里达州居民,你将保持该身份,除非你变得不活跃.
Where and when can I submit my residency reclassification request?
If you have completed one semester of enrollment as a non-Florida resident for tuition purposes and would like to request reclassification of your Florida residency status, please complete the residency reclassification request form. The form and all related documents must be uploaded to our secure portal at
What documents do I submit with my residency reclassification request?
  • 所需文件(所有证明文件必须反映所需学期开始前连续12个月的情况)
  1. Residency Reclassification Request form
  2. Documents showing legal ties to Florida must include at least two of the following:
    • A Florida voter’s registration card.
    • A Florida driver's license or State identification card
    • A State of Florida identification card
    • A Florida vehicle registration
    • A Florida professional or occupational license.
    • Florida incorporation
  3. Documents showing physical presence in Florida must include at least one of the following (more documents may be requested):
    • 在佛罗里达州购买永久住宅的证明,并有宅地豁免
    • 至少在学期前12个月向县书记员提交在佛罗里达州的住所声明.
    • 在佛罗里达州连续12个月每周至少工作30小时的永久全职工作证明
    • Any other documentation that supports the student’s request for resident status, including, but not limited to, utility bills and proof of 12 consecutive months of payments; or an official state, federal, or court document evidencing legal ties to Florida.
    • Most current Tax Return or W2  
  • 在某些情况下,除了规定的文件外,还可能要求提供其他文件. All documentation provided is subject to verification. 与其他州有联系的证据可能会导致因学费原因而拒绝在佛罗里达州居住.
If my Family owns a house/condominium in Florida, can I be considered a resident for tuition purposes?
房屋所有权不会自动使你有资格获得佛罗里达居民的学费. Residence in Florida must be as a bona fide domicile rather than for the purpose of maintaining a residence incident to enrollment at an institution of higher education. Owning property in Florida, while residing in another state, will not of its own merit meet residency requirements.
What if I lived in or attended a school in Florida in the past?
To be considered a "Florida Resident for Tuition Purposes" you must prove through official and/or legal documents that you or the claimant have established bona fide domicile in the state of Florida for at least 12 months preceding the first day of classes of the semester for which Florida residency is sought. You do not receive credit for any time that you spent in the state in prior years.
I recently graduated from a Florida HS but I and/or my parents are undocumented, how do I prove residency?
If you are a Florida high school graduate unable to produce the documentation required for standard residency review because you are an undocumented student, a Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) student, or a student who is a US citizen with undocumented parents, 通过提供不同的文件,你可能有资格获得州外学费减免或佛罗里达州居留权. For more information, please email or call 561-297-3040.

Medical Year 1

Medical Year 2 Medical Year 3 Medical Year 4
Semester 1 Initial Classification July 1 March 15 March 15
Semester 2 December 1 December 1 September 15 September 15

For more information regarding Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine Initial Classification click here.
What are the deadlines for submission?
Initial Residency Degree-Seeking Deadline Initial Residency Non-Degree Deadline Reclassification Deadline
Spring 2024: January 12, 2024 Semester of enrollment Spring 2024: Friday, January 5, 2024
Summer 2024: May 17, 2024   Summer 2024: Friday, May 10, 2024
Fall 2024: August 23, 2024   Fall 2024: Friday, August 16, 2024


What are the Reclassification requirements?
To qualify as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, the claimant (person claiming residency for the student; may be a parent, spouse, legal guardian, or the student themselves) must have established and maintained legal residence and physical presence in Florida for at least 12 months prior to the first day of classes of the term for which Florida residency is being sought. The law allows U.S. citizens, permanent resident aliens, or legal aliens granted indefinite stay by the Bureau of Citizenship and Immigration Services to be classified as a Florida residents if the applicant, or the claimant in cases where the student is dependent, 在第一天上课之前,已经满足在该州居住至少12个月的要求. Persons who do not meet the following requirements may be classified as a Florida residents only if they fall within one of the special categories as noted in Section 1009.21, Florida Statutes
How do I determine if I’m a dependent student or an independent student?

If you answer "yes" to any of the following questions, you will be classified as an independent student for the determination of residency for tuition purposes (documentation proving independent status will be required):

  • 在你希望在FAU注册的学期的第一天,你是否年满24岁?
  • 在学年开始的时候,你会攻读硕士或博士学位(比如硕士)吗, MBA, MD, JD, PhD, EdD, or graduate certificate, etc.)?
  • As of today, are you married? ( Answer "yes" if you are separated but not divorced.)
  • Do you have children who receive more than half of their support from you?
  • 你是否有受抚养人(子女或配偶除外)与你同住,而他们的生活费有一半以上来自你?
  • Are both of your parents deceased, or are you (or were you until age 18 ) a ward or dependent of the court or state?
  • Are you currently serving on active duty in the U.S. Armed Forces for purposes other than training?
  • Do you provide a minimum of 51% of your own support? (Documents such as tax returns, W-2 forms, pay stubs, and employer earning verification will be required. Please see the Proving Financial Independence Section)
How do I prove financial independence?
  • 如果你觉得你有资格成为独立学生,因为你提供了至少51%的自己的支持, 你必须证明你是自给自足的(特别是那些24岁以下的人)。. Based on the Florida Resident (off-campus) cost of attendance, it will be determined whether the student meets the requirements for being considered financially independent for the purposes of establishing residency for tuition purposes. The 51% minimum is reviewed and updated no less than one year prior to the start of each Fall semester and remains in effect for the subsequent Spring and Summer semesters. KU体育人员将根据注册的学时数评估每个学生的独立资格, the number of full-time hours worked, federal income tax return information for the student and parent(s), student income, and other factors. 
  • 为了让学生证明他们提供了至少51%的自己的支持, the following information below is required:  
  • Proof of the student's declared income documents:  

Option 1 

Option 2 

Option 3 

  • Copy of Claimant’s IRS 1099 (Required) 
  • Notarized Employment Letter or Copy of Florida Incorporation (Required) 
  • Copy of parent's most recent federal income tax transcript. (Required) (  

Option 4 

Who is my “claimant”?


For independent students*, the claimant is the student. Documentation substantiating independent status will be required. (Please see the Proving Financial Independence Section )

For dependent students*, the claimant can be the student's parent, legal guardian (as appointed by the court, court decree required), spouse (marriage certificate required), or in rare cases, an adult relative. ( Please see the "Special Categories" section for more information)


What do I need to provide to prove my claim for Initial Florida Residency?
  • Every student who wishes to be evaluated for Florida residency for tuition purposes must submit a residency affidavit and appropriate documentation through the Residency portal This is done after your admissions application has been accepted and must be done every time a student is accepted under a new application. If a student does not submit the affidavit and supporting documentation for Florida residency for tuition purposes within his or her initial semester of attendance, the student will need to apply for residency reclassification. This will require the student to show clear and convincing documentation that supports permanent legal residency in Florida for at least 12 consecutive months immediately prior to the semester for which reclassification is being requested, rather than temporary residency for the purpose of pursuing an education. 重新分类需要比初始分类更多的文件,并且不能追溯应用. The basic requirements for initial classification will require the claimant to provide documentation proving both legal ties and physical presence in the state of Florida. Documents must be dated or have been issued at least 12 months before the first day of the semester for which Florida residency is sought. 索赔人必须证明在佛罗里达州有真实住所,并且与另一个州没有法律关系. No single document is conclusive.

  • Documents showing legal ties to Florida: (at least 2 documents from this list)
    • Florida driver's license or State identification card
    • Florida voter's registration card
    • Florida vehicle registration
    • Florida vehicle title
    • Florida professional or occupational license
    • Proof active Florida corporation
    • Benefit histories from Florida agencies or Public assistance programs
  • Documents showing physical presence in Florida:
    • Lease agreement
    • Twelve consecutive months of utility bills and proof of payments
    • Declaration of Domicile
    • 在佛罗里达州购买永久住宅的证明,并有宅地豁免
    • Proof of permanent full-time employment in Florida for at least 12 months

If you are denied classification as a Florida resident for tuition purposes, you may appeal the decision to the Residency Appeals Committee. Students should submit the residency appeal form found at, along with a personal statement and any documents not previously submitted, to 一旦收到申诉,委员会将获得整个住院档案以供审查.

住院医师申诉委员会每月开会一次,审查所提出的申诉并作出决定. After the meeting, decision letters will be sent to students with appeals. The decision of the Committee will be the final decision of the University.

Please be aware that residency officers within the Undergraduate Admissions, Graduate Admissions, 注册办公室将无法向学生提供有关委员会决定的信息.


Important things to know about establishing Florida Residency for Tuition Purposes

  • A student who comes to Florida to enroll full-time in a state institution of higher learning as an out-of-state resident and continuously enrolls will not normally meet the Florida residency requirements for in-state tuition regardless of the length of time enrolled.
  • Simply living in the state of Florida for a 12 month period or longer and or attending school in Florida does not automatically result in qualification for in-state residency.
  • To qualify as a resident for tuition purposes you must be a U.S citizen, permanent resident alien, a legal alien granted indefinite stay by the INS, 或符合居住分类表中列出的特殊类别之一.
  • Documents supporting a student's claim for Florida residency must be dated, 在申请居留权的学期的第一天之前至少12个月发出或提交.
  • 依靠外州父母的学生被推定为与其父母在同一州的合法居民.
  • Residence in the state of Florida must be for the purpose of establishing a permanent home and not merely incident to enrollment at an institution of higher education.
  • 在所有情况下,配偶代表其伴侣申请居留权都需要结婚证/证书.
  • Leases and employment verification show physical presence only. 为了有资格获得居留权,需要提供额外的信息来证明与佛罗里达州的法律关系.
  • Retaining legal ties to any state other than Florida is considered evidence that can disqualify a student from being considered as a bona fide resident of Florida. 例如:持有另一个州的执照被认为是与佛罗里达州以外的州有法律联系.